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Admissions Applications

Pre-High School Division  (Gr. 6-8)

​This division of AA-YP is for grades 6 though 8.  Classes are taught from a high school preparation format using the ABeka Curriculum and other advance academic resources.

Core subjects that are taught traditionally in 9th grade will be taught by the 7th and 8th grade, at AA-YP.  This has afforded some students with the opportunity to graduate from high school in less than the traditional four years

Download Pre-High School Application

Pre-College Division  (Gr. 9-12)

This division of AA-YP is for grades 9 though 12.  Many exciting academic advancement and leadership opportunites are available for the pre-college level.  Classes are taught from a college preparation perspective and format using the ABeka Curriculum, as well as online pre-college courseware and resources.  Students in this division must declare their college of intent and college major by the junior year.  In this way, we can customize and parallel learning geared for their freshman year of college and career.  If a student is not sure about their college or major, then the customization and parallel option will not apply.  The traditional high school track will apply for that student. 


Dual Enrollment Division (Gr.6-12)

This division allows students from other schools or organizations to take class(es) or seminars through AA-YP for credit or non-credit.  This special open enrollment allows parents the unique opportunity to manage and customize their student's education development,as well as help their student become even more marketable for college and career.  A high schooler from another school named Brandon attended a for credit mini-leadership training seminar through AA-YP's dual enrollment program.  When he graduated from his high school, AA-YP sent a transcipt to Tennesse State University from AA-YP's leadership division reflecting Brandon's courses, hours, and community service.  Parents who elect to enroll their student in this division will have a second high school transcript in their student's college file - one from their regualr school and from their leadership high school- AA-YP.  Brandon was accepted.  This enrollment option is excellent for parents whose students's school do not offer opportunities which can provided academic advantages and other advancements.  This option is for parents who want to expand their students academic opportunities.  

Download Pre-College Application


Download Dual Enrollment Application

Parent Compliance Affidavit 2024-2025

ABeka Scope & Sequence 2023-2024

HomeEducation Division  (Gr. K-12)

Summer Education Division

Leadership Division  (Gr. 9-12)

This division of AA-YP is for grades 9 though 12.  Students who take the required courses, meet the GPA, and leadership requirements can graduate from high school with a career scholar diploma, a

leadership diploma, a leadership certification credential, or a community service certification credential, which can be used for both college and employment.   

This division of AA-YP is for parents who desire to teach their own student(s) at home.  Enrollment is for grades K - 12.  There are stringent home school requirements and protocols, but it is a wonderful opportunity for parents to educate, train, and develop their own student(s).  This is an old Amercian tradition.  Many families across the nation are choosing to educate their children from home, which is quite natural, viable, and very good for students in many ways.  Through AA-YP's home education cover program, parents can really help position their student to excel in academics, life skills, and so much more.  HomeEducation students can also dual enroll, and be taught classes on-site or on-line. 


This division of AA-YP was grand-fathered into the academy in 2007.  BTS (Born To Succeed) Summer Preparatory Learning Lab has been in existence since June of 1994.  This summer initiative is a six week - two day intensive education program, which utilizes the ABeka Curriculum and other outstanding grade related resources.  It is designed to prepare students in grades one through twelve for their next grade level in Math, Language, and Reading Comprehension.  Online high school for credit and non-credit courses are available for students who work during the summer.  High School AP courses are available, as well.  This program is used for credit recovery (aka Summer School) , early graduation, and for other student academic advancement needs.   

Level Up is a new collaboration with the programs of AA-YP, which will cater to parents favor specialized education designing for their student year round or during the summer. 

Download BTS Lab Enrollment Application

Download HomeEducation Enrollment Application

Download Leadership Enrollment Application

SAC Course Form

This is the option that allows AA-YP students to get ahead for the next school year by allowing them to take specific academic courses for credit and activities that count for school.  Students must have a 3.50 to qualify to take academic summer courses to get ahead.  However, all students can participate in activities that count for school. Permission must be granted by the school administrator.  High school freshmen who follow this path can really position themselves to graduate high school early.  Middle school can also position them selves for being advaned or skipped into another grade level.  Make summer count! 

Download SAC Form

Winter & Spring School

HomeEducation HandBook

This division of AA-YP was developed in 2013. It provides an intense system for students to make up for failed subjects in the 1st & 2nd marking periods to be promoted or graduate on time, without traditional summer school. 

Winter School

This module provides an intense system for students to make up a failed subject from the 1st marking period. The module is offered in the Month of December, only.

Spring School

This module is designed to accomplish the same objective as Winter School for the 2nd marking period, except it is offered only during the week of Spring Break.

After the module designated module or modules are completed, the student will receive their new grade or grades to replace the failing grade or grades. If a student fails a module, then they will be retained and have to attend traditional summer school, unless otherwise determined by the administrator.  

HomeEducation Affidavit

Download Winter & Spring School

 Enrollment Application

AA-YP Parent/Student Handbook

Parent & Student Handbook 2023-2025

Virtual Online Instruction Guide

2023-2024 Parent Orientation Booklet

Non Discrimination Clause

AA-YP does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), disability, in any of its activities or operations.

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