Since 2003

The American Academy for Young Professionals (Gr.6-12)
Est. 2003
The American Academy for Young Professionals (Gr. 6-12)

Alabama's Boutique Micro Education Provider
SINCE 2003
Creating & Developing Academic & Leadership Advancement


Adam Richard Arrington
Class of 2004
Adam made AA-YP history as the first graduate and most outstanding student to date. He was enrolled at three schools during his senior year (homeschool, dual enrollment with AA-YP, and Lawson State Community College). Adam is a member of a rare breed of focused academic achievers and learners. He was ranked in the top 5% of high school students in America in 2004, as well as Who's Who Among High School Seniors. Adam scored so high on the community college assessment exam, in his senior year, that he was awarded a full tuition scholarship for the two college courses that he took while still in high school. Adam played basketball and soccer while in high school, as well as became the chief TV videographer for his church telecast. During his junior and senior years, he represented the United States as a USA Sports Ambassador to Italy, France, Greece, Australia, and other countries. He was a student page at the Alabama State Capitol for two years. He graduated from high school with a 4.00 grade point average. Adam chose to attend Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he graduated with his BS in Business Administration and a Minor in Youth Ministry. During his junior year of college, he ran for Student Body President and won by a landside. His duties required oversight of student activities for over 5,000 students and millions of dollars. He implemented a scholarhip program and prayer/fasting day that remain in place today. Adam also represented the student body and ORU at various city meetings and leadership opportunities in the City of Tulsa. While in office, he attended the APAC Convention in Washington, DC, and was able to meet national leaders and hear the then Chicago Senator Barack Obama give the keynote address during the APCA Convention. He represented the college and the business school in Buenos Aires, Argentina for three years, as a business trainer. Also, while in college, Adam and his brother formed a muscial pop duo group called J.A. & THA PREZ. He has accomplished something that most have not in their academic career, which is to be a career honors student from kindergarten throughout college. Today Adam is married to his wife Denise, and they have one daughter (Leona). He is a licensed financial and wealth management advisor and lives in Plano, Texas.

Justin George Arrington
Class of 2006
Justin was dual enrolled as a homeschooler and enrolled at AA-YP. He ended his high school career wih a 3.72 grade point average and extensive leadership development. Justin excelled in sports, art, and vocal perfomance while in high school. He was number five in the State of Alabama in soccer, playing for the Bullets Soccer program. Justin represented the US as a Sports Ambassador to Australia, and was recognized by world class coaches for his basketball prowess. While in high school, he received an award for vocal performance and gained recognition for his musical talent around the city. He received a four year sports scholarship to Tennesee Temple University. He quickly became one of the leading scorers on the team. While at TTU, he felt the call of God to leave TTU and to enroll at Oral Roberts University. After speaking with his parents about this, they agreed, and he entered ORU. His major continued to be Business Administration. However, one thing became clear to Justin and that was he desired to sing and entertain. In between classes, he collaborated with musicians on the campus and began developing his own group, aka "JA & THA PREZ." His duo sang for college and church events throughout the Tulsa area. He was also featured singing the National Anthen on ESPN for the ORU basketball game. In 2012, he completed an Associates of Arts Degree in Business Administration with honors. Also in 2012, his duo received a recording contract with Audiostate55 Entertainment. The single, "Just Dance," was written and produced by Justin. He is self-employed and presently works for Matrix in London England.

Jeremy D. Smith
Class of 2007
Jeremy entered AA-YP in his tenth grade year. He graduated with a 3.70 grade point average and a full academic scholarship to college in Engineering. While in high school, he participated in the academy's mentorship program. As a result, his mentor - a nuclear engineer - enrolled him in a program sponsored by the Alabama Power Company for future engineerings. Jeremy was able to attend workshops and college events targeting students interested in engineering. His mother who worked in high levels of banking was able to teach him basic banking, and he received high school credit for his PIC Course (Parent Instruction Course). Presently he is completing his last year in engineering at Fortis University, where he is mantaining an "A" average. While attending college he was hired a manager with Community Coffee Company. He supervised men who were old enough to be his father. His job allowed for him to complete college and travel to the Atlanta, George office. He still embraces his dream of owning his own business. He believes that all his education and training are setting him up to succeed at every level. This youngman is level headed and has tremendous confidence in his abilities. He is very intentional, and he is not afraid to take on a challenge and WIN! Presently, Jeremey is married and working in his field of study.

Jadiea Monique Daniels
Class of 2008
Jadeia entered AA-YP in the 7th grade. She was one of the four pilot students when the academy launched in 2003.
Yes, Jadeia was the only female student. She was spoiled, and loved by her male classmates, who treated her like a sister. Jadeia began to stand out among her schoolmates. Her classmates called her "Little Condalisa Rice" becuase of her outstanding organizational skills and demeanor. She became the Governor of the Academy and served as a page at the State Capitol in Mongomery, Alabama. While in the 4-H Club, she was selected from students across the state to attend a week long leadership conference in Washington, DC. She was able to meet, at that time, New York State Senator - Mrs. Hilliary Clinton, Alabama State Congressman Artur Davis, and heard an address given by Chicago State Senator - Barack Obama during the conference. Jadeia graduated from AA-YP with a 3.35 grade point average. She elected to attended Oakwood College in Huntsville, Alabama, majoring in Business Administration. Since then, she has transfered back to Birmingham, Alabama and is in her senior year at the historic Miles College majoring in Business Administration. She will graduate in the spring of 2015. Jadeia also works part-time at Integrity Christian Academy in the after-school program. This is also the academy that she interned at during high school. This younglady is simply outstanding! Today Jadeia is Mrs. Clevlan Jordan and is the proud mother of a baby daughter. She works in Birmingham, Alabama.