Since 2003

The American Academy for Young Professionals (Gr.6-12)
Est. 2003
The American Academy for Young Professionals (Gr. 6-12)

Alabama's Boutique Micro Education Provider
SINCE 2003
Creating & Developing Academic & Leadership Advancement

Tuition & Fees

A Smart & Rewarding Investment
AA-YP Application Fees
AA-YP Tuition & Activity Fees
No education in the United States is FREE!!! Every working individual in this nation is paying for K-12 public education, through tax dollars. What an honor to invest in students who may not be able to get a quality education otherwise, as well as helping to secure the nations's academic prowess and future.
In private education, parents are seeking a school that fits their philosophy about education, as well as offers academic programs that prepare their student(s) for success in education and life. These parent(s) are willing to pay a monthly tuition fee to have their student attend such a private school. Thus at AA-YP, parents enroll their students into this academy because it fits their education philosophy and academic objectives for their student; hence, they are willing to pay for the education.
Since all students attend schools where money must be invested, then the focus must be a demand for quality education and successful results. At AA-YP, the academic and leadership outcomes for students have been worth the investment. Tuition paid for educating a student at this academy is smart and an extremely rewarding investment. The bottomline is that investing in quality education is very smart and rewarding.
AA-YP Academy Tuition per year
Grades 6 - 8: $7,550
Grades 9 - 12: $9,550
ActivityFee: $250 (Gr. 6-12)
Grades 6-8: $125
Grades 9-12: $135 (Cumulative GPA 3.00)
Grades 9-12: $180 ( " " GPA below 3.00)
ABeka Academic Books:
Grades 6-8: $335 (Prices can vary)
Grades 9-12: $380 (Prices can vary)
Leadership Books:
Grades 6-12: $135 (Prices can vary)
SAT Testing:
Grades 6-8: $65.50 (Prices can vary)
ACT College Board:
Grades 10-12: $56.50 (Prices can vary)
SAT College Board:
Grades 10-12: $54.50
AA-YP Dual Enrollment HomeEducation
Same fee schedule as AA-YP Academy Tuition
AA-YP Open Dual Enrollment
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AA-YP Open On-line Academic Pipeline Courses
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AA-YP Open Career On-line Courses
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AA-YP Open On-line Lecture Series
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AA-YP Open Leadership Seminars/Interships
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** Open **
means students from other schools can take courses for credit or non-credit
** On-Line Courses **
Books are included in the fee
AA-YP HomeEducation Cover per year
Grades K-5: $2,000
Grades 6-12: $3,500
AA-YP Academic, Leadership, & Financial Assistance Scholarships
Partial and full academic, leadership, and financial assistance scholarships and tuition discounts are offered when funds are available. If scholarship funds exceed AA-YP tuition fees, the remaining funds will appy to ABeka Book Fees. See the administrator for details.

AA-YP Application Fee
Grades 6-8: $35
Grades 9-12: $45 (Cumulative GPA 3.00)
Grades 9-12: $55 (" " GPA below 3.00)
AA-YP Registration Fees
AA-YP Books & Testing Fees

AA-YP Dual Enrollment Fees
AA-YP HomeEducation Fees
Investing in GREATNESS!
AA-YP can accept scholarships from organizations for educating students.
Please click list of Participating Non-Public Schools below, which shows
The American Academy for Young Professionals listed by the Alabama Department of Revenue.

Non Discrimination Clause
AA-YP does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), disability, in any of its activities or operations.